Hello APSA members, Welcome back to a New Year at SFU! I hope that you had a restful week off and are ready for 2020 (he says… during the first week of classes and budget prep).
Welcome to a new decade! I hope that you all had a relaxing time over the holidays and are feeling as refreshed as you can.
APSA is pleased to announce the new officers for the APSA Board of Directors. David Agosti was voted in the new President of APSA and Jeff Bryer was voted in as the new Vice President and Jasper Stoodley is your new Treasurer. Please take a moment to congratulate all the appointees. We know that they are dedicated and will be working hard for the interests of APSA members.  
1. Vacation time AD 10.8 You now have access to your yearly vacation allotment. Here's a table below for reference. Number of Calendar Years of Employment Length of Vacation Entitlement Zero (0) to Seven (7) years
Jasper may have been a bit jet-lagged during his first job interview at SFU. He remembers getting off the airplane and attending the interview only four hours later.
Women in Engineering, the SFSS Women's Centre, Academic Women, and the Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office for a memorial in recognizing December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.
Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 polices (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.) Here is the Advocacy Committee Chair, Wanda Dekleva, to answer some of your questions about workplace issues.
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We've got you covered on what happened at the meeting.