Arbitrations and Grievances APSA is currently preparing for two arbitrations, the Colin Taylor Award arbitration and one involving human rights. We can't disclose any details of the member arbitration due to confidentiality issues.
Stardate 3067.2 Personal Log Dr. Bonnie Henry, the XIVth, has announced that socialization in groups of up to 100 people is now permitted, so long as we continue to wear our masks — oxygen and methane breathers alike. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, this pandemic may finally be coming to an end.
Each month, our APSA Advocates answer your questions about workplace challenges, the AD 10 policies and how they’re applied.
We strongly advise that you have an APSA representative with you for any Manulife meetings about your long-term disability claims and your return to work issues. An advocate will ensure your rights are robustly represented. You can contact APSA or request an APSA representative for several types of meetings, including:
New APSA Members: June Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members. Armos, Nicole   Analyst, Knowledge & Practice External Relations Administrator External Relations   Benkrima, Laila
Joti Muker, a senior advisor for the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, recently graduated with a master's degree of applied legal sciences. Her determination, grit and unwavering support from family and managers helped her realize her dream.
Results from Hours of Work Grievance SFU has agreed to fully compensate two APSA members on an hour-for-hour basis for extra hours (overtime) worked. The members were compensated either by time off in lieu or monetarily. SFU has acknowledged that the time-in-lieu documents imposed by the leadership involved were invalid.
Each month, our APSA Advocates answer your questions about workplace challenges, the AD 10 policies and how they’re applied.