Arbitrations and Grievances APSA is currently preparing for two arbitrations, the Colin Taylor Award arbitration, which will begin on January 18, 2021, and one other arbitration on inappropriate discipline. We can't disclose any details of the member arbitration due to confidentiality issues. 
1. Vacation time AD 10.8 You now have access to your yearly vacation allotment. Here's a table below for reference. Number of Calendar Years of Employment Length of Vacation Entitlement Zero (0) to Seven (7) years
I remember once, when I was very young, I went on a backpacking trip with my father. As great as it was to be with my dad, the trip was cold, rain-filled and miserable. On our last night, I lay tossing and turning in my sleeping bag willing the sun to rise, so that we could break camp and flee for home.
Each month, our APSA Advocates answer your questions about workplace challenges, the AD 10 policies and how they’re applied.
APSA is pleased to announce the new officers for the APSA Board of Directors. David Agosti was voted in as the 2021 president of APSA, Arlette Stewart was voted in as the new vice-president and Jasper Stoodley is your 2021 treasurer. Please take a moment to congratulate all the appointees. We know that they are dedicated and will be working hard for the interests of APSA members.  
Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.   Bhunnoo, Ziad Business Systems Analyst New to SFU     Lifelong IT Services Lifelong Learning Unit   Chen, Winnie Research Accounting Analyst New to SFU
AGM APSA recently held its Annual General Meeting on November 24, 2020. It was held virtually on Zoom with just under 200 members attending. We discussed this year of COVID-19, advocacy and bargaining issues, our budget and more. Please read the 2020 AGM minutes for more details.
We've got you covered on what happened at the meeting.