Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.   Broderick, Kathleen Irene       Manager Operations & Financial Analysis New to SFU     Beedie Burnaby Administration Beedie School of Business   Buteau, Hannah Nicole
Many people have heard of “absenteeism,” where an employee regularly stays away from work without a good reason. There’s also “presenteeism,” where an employee is at their desk, but can't or isn't performing their job duties due to illness, injury or other conditions. There is, however, a third less known “ism” called “leaveism”.
Do you have concerns about the full return to campus in Fall 2021?  You can have a confidential conversation with APSA on questions and concerns about your work requirements during the return to campus and if you need additional information or support. We're here to support you in improving your work-life experience and for questions and concerns about the terms and conditions of your employment.   Please call 778-782-5423 or email 
The province has advised a full-scale return to campus for post-secondary students in the fall of 2021. SFU has more information on the return to campus here. We continue to discuss workplace safety and COVID-19 with SFU senior admin and have released the results of our return to campus survey.
Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.   Allan, Alexander James Coordinator, Research Services New to HR or Academic Groups VP Research Operation Administration VPR VP Research Summary   Arteaga, Gerardo Junior Business Analyst
If you are a new APSA member and have not attended an APSA orientation please sign up here: New temporary members: June 10, 2021, from 10:30 am. - 11:30 a.m. Includes people moving from a CUPE to a temporary APSA role. New continuing members: July 8, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Includes people moving from a CUPE to a continuing APSA role.
We need APSA members to join the following local health and safety committees to represent the APSA membership. As long as you're an interested APSA member, that's what counts. 
Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)
Arbitrations and Grievances APSA and the University came to a mediated settlement regarding the Colin Taylor Award. Read the full settlement here. We are also in the process of negotiating a settlement on a Human Rights case.