Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)
Arbitrations and Grievances
APSA is representing numerous members with grievances on bullying and harassment and hours of work. We can't give any details due to confidentiality issues. Please see this infographic on the Life of a Grievance to learn more about how the grievance process works.
COVID-19's effect on our lives is immense. The pandemic has also triggered a lot of medical issues for many people. People who have mental or physical disabilities during the return to working on campus can be in a precarious position as some may perceive a genuine need for an accommodation as frivolous.
How Would You Request a Medical Accommodation During this Time?
Pop-up Vaccination Clinics on SFU Surrey and Burnaby Campus
SFU is currently in Stage 3 of their return to campus plan. SFU has provided more information on the return to campus plan here. We continue to discuss workplace safety and COVID-19 with SFU senior administration and have released our return to campus survey results.
Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.
Al Kurdi, Mona
Associate Director
New to SFU
CS Management Professional Program
Lifelong Learning Unit
Biehl, Ursula Nicole
Coordinator, Student Engagement
New to SFU
Our Member Services Coordinator, Angela Vass will be transitioning back to the office starting in August. She will however be meeting with members via zoom and by appointment only for the time being.
Andrew Boden our Executive Director is on campus most days, but will also be taking most appointments virtually.
Lakshmi Gosyne, our Communications Coordinator, has been transitioning to campus, but will be away until August 18.
We wanted to learn about your concerns regarding returning physically to work at SFU and what you’re looking for in hybrid work arrangements. Below are the results from our recent survey on hybrid work arrangements at the University. Read on to learn why we chose specific questions, what the answers mean for you and how we will use them to support you, our members.
How You Responded
We had 728 members respond to the survey, which is approximately half of our membership.
Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.
Ardizzi, Madison Cynthia
Coordinator, Outreach Programs
New to SFU
FAS, Office of the Dean
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Barrett, Caylin
Coordinator, Communications & Events