Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month. Ali, Amir Student Recruitment Liaison Coordinator Temporary Promotion AVPSI Student Recruitment & Admissions Administration Associate VP, Students                                     Almeida Coutinho, Carolina 
Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.) Here is APSA advocate Mike Peragine to answer some of your questions about workplace issues.
Arbitrations and Grievances APSA advocates have several ongoing grievances and investigations on bullying and harassment, return to work and hours of work. We can’t give any details due to confidentiality issues. Please see this infographic on the Life of a Grievance to learn more about how the grievance process works.
In May 2021, SFU revised its Bullying and Harassment policy, also known as GP 47. While all the employee groups at the university were consulted, SFU implemented none of our recommended changes. The University has since reached out to APSA and other employee groups regarding further changes to this policy's procedures. Here are a few concerns that APSA has with the current policy and the procedures that flow from it. Coming forward with a complaint
When I met with Kiran, Doug, Lisa and Jada (not their real names) in my office a couple years ago, I had no idea how negatively their work situation at SFU was affecting their lives. 
SFU has recently launched a survey called SFU: What's Next? Over the next year, SFU will engage in community conversations to help express SFU's vision, purpose, priorities and commitments, with the goal of developing a framework that aligns efforts across the University for the next five years.  If you wish to have your voice heard by SFU, please visit to learn more.
Please give a warm welcome to these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month. Ahanmisi, Efe Coordinator, Alumni Relations New Appointment Alumni Relations Alumni Relations   Allan, Alexander James Research Contracts Coordinator New Appointment
Each month, the Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)