Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)
Hello, I’m Laya Behbahani, the chair of APSA’s Advocacy Committee. On behalf of the committee, I’m answering your questions about elective surgeries and sick leave.
Questions? Submit them anonymously here. This question will be answered in a monthly advocacy corner issue. For an immediate answer, please contact us.
I’m a temp APSA member. My partner has had a very difficult pregnancy, and I’d like to take time off to support her after she gives birth. I’ve only seen people take maternity leave in my department. Is there any type of parental leave for temporary members? Are there any repercussions?
I’m sorry that your partner has had a difficult pregnancy, and I understand your wish to support her. Temporary members can take maternity or parental leave, but both leaves are without pay. Both forms of leave also can’t extend past the end of your temporary appointment. As the birth mother’s spouse, you can take up to 37 weeks of unpaid leave within the first year of your baby’s birth. Your vacation entitlement, service credits and benefits won’t be affected. A pregnant temporary employee is entitled to 17 consecutive weeks of maternity leave and up to 35 weeks of parental leave. Again, both leaves are without pay. A pregnant temporary employee can also take sick leave for pregnancy-related illnesses or birth with a doctor’s note.
If you can, it’s best practice to give four weeks’ written notice to your supervisor and HR. You must send HR a doctor’s or midwife’s certificate with the expected date of birth with the written request. You must include the dates you want the leave to start and end and when you expect to return to work. There are exceptional circumstances where the doctor’s note can be waived. For further information, see AD 10.08 section 9.03. These situations can be case-specific. Please speak to APSA for more information or advice if you have any questions or concerns.