Arbitrations and Grievances
APSA advocates have several ongoing grievances and investigations on accommodations, return to work and hours of work. We can't give any details due to confidentiality issues. Please see this infographic on the Life of a Grievance to learn more about how the grievance process works.
Hours of Work
APSA has launched a working group of advocates to help APSA members determine if their role is eligible for monetary overtime compensation.
The categories defined by the Employment Standards Act as "manager" and "non-manager" are complicated and difficult to determine as they do not reflect your title or job responsibilities. If you are unsure that your role is categorized as a manager for Employment Standards Act overtime purposes, please sign up to discuss with one of our advocates if you haven't already received an email. An advocate will be contacting you over the coming weeks.
Hybrid Work Arrangements
SFU has announced a framework for Hybrid Work Arrangments.
SFU HR has updated its website to include dedicated pages for Leaders and Employees with tools, checklists, samples and training materials to support implementation and team success.
Should you encounter any difficulties in the process, please call the APSA office.
APSA is investigating issues with members not receiving their PD reimbursement backpay. If there are any issues with your back pay that APSA bargained for you, please contact the APSA office.
For more information on how bargaining works, see this infographic on Collective Bargaining. Learn more about the 2019 Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate and the scope of that funding for our members.