Please warmly welcome these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month.   ­­Aldridge, Kathleen Coordinator, Special Projects New to SFU Education Office of the Dean  Faculty Of Education   Chambers, Treena Coordinator Indigenous Student Life
Are you interested in connecting with and building the Black community at SFU? Nominate yourself or someone else to join the Black Caucus Steering Committee! ​The SFU Black Caucus seeks to uplift the SFU Black community through education, action, and capacity-building. Membership and elections are open to all Black students, staff, faculty, and alumni.  Learn more about elections, roles, and general membership on the Black Caucus website.
Please warmly welcome these new APSA members who have joined us in the past month. Cowan, Jill       Manager Schedules    New to SFU     AVPSI Registrar and Information Services Associate VP, Students   Fernando, Dinushi Coordinator, Student Recruitment New to SFU
Arbitrations and Grievances APSA has filed a grievance based on article 9.2 of our Basic Agreement. This grievance is to dispute the University's inconsistent distribution of the professional development fund reimbursement payout for temporary members from our last round of bargaining. We hope to resolve this matter as soon as possible.
Although this article uses the term “men,” it is meant to include all people who identify as men. There is a silent epidemic happening when it comes to mental health. Although men suffer from mental health issues, especially concerning workplace stress, very few seek the health practices needed to improve their mental fitness.
Each month, your Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.) Hello, I’m Angela Vass, Senior Labour Relations Officer for APSA. On behalf of your Advocacy Committee, I’m answering your questions about elective surgeries and sick leave.
SFU has a Central University Health & Safety Committee (CUHSC) and eleven Local Joint Health & Safety Committees (LJHSC).  CUHSC oversees university-wide health and safety and compliance.  The LJHSCs are organized based on departments and groupings of buildings, and they oversee departmental and building-specific health and safety.  Safety committees are mandated by WorkSafeBC and consist of what is referred to as "worker representatives" and "managemen