We’ve got you covered on what happened at the meeting.

  1. APSA spoke about our relationship with the University.
    Chairperson and president David Agosti spoke about his vision on communication with the members when he began his role as president and strongly encouraged members to make their voices heard. He recognized members’ accomplishments during the COVID pivot for the University. He also addressed the relationship with the University and requested our membership’s help. Read his full report.
  2. Our finances are healthy, and there was an increase in salaries and benefits due to an additional staff member.
    Jasper Stoodley, APSA treasurer, spoke about the APSA expenses and budget. There was an increase in APSA salaries due to the addition of a fourth member of the APSA staff. Our legal expenses are relatively high as we resolve complicated cases through mediation and arbitration.
  3. The Salary and Benefits Committee bargaining team has been meeting regularly and has sent out a member survey which closes on December 9, 2022.
    Kris Nordgren, chair of the Salary and Benefits Committee, spoke about bargaining and the arbitrator’s award. He spoke about a grievance that APSA has filed after bargaining. Finally, Kris introduced the new Salary and Benefits committee, and the survey was sent to members’ email inboxes. The survey will close on December 9, 2022. Read his full report.
  4. The Advocacy Committee still has concerns about bullying and harassment complaints but also have dealt with numerous accommodation and workload issues.
    Andrew Boden spoke on behalf of the Advocacy Committee. He discussed how APSA’s advocacy support has increased for the members over the past year by over 50% due to our new member services coordinator, Tracey Ferris. Although the advocates have successfully resolved several overtime payment cases and workplace accommodations, there were issues with maternity and parental leave. Concerning bullying and harassment complaints, we continue to be concerned about the University’s procedures and protocols. Read the full report here.
  5. We welcomed your new board of directors. 
    They’ll work on your behalf to find solutions to your concerns and represent your interests. You can find them on the Board of Directors page.
  6. We thanked our former board members, current board members and staff.
    Jeff Bryer, Camilla Cao, Arlette Stewart and Vince Wong stepped down from the board this year. We thank them for their tireless service to APSA as board members. Jeff will continue to be involved in the Pension Advisory Committee.
  7. We’d like you to take a survey for next year’s AGM. How would you like to participate? In-person, Zoom only, or both? Answer this question here.

For more detailed information, here are the minutes for the 2022 AGM.

Here’s our Annual General Report

Annual Report

Stats for AGM. 

We had 171 members attend.

You asked twenty-six questions, and the meeting duration was an hour and 28 minutes.


Links mentioned in the AGM.

Salary and Benefits

https://apsacentral.ca/news-item/welcome-your-new-salary-and-benefits-committee https://apsacentral.ca/news-item/november-2021-news-bulletin

PSEC mandate:

https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/employers/public-sector-employer s/public-sector-bargaining/mandates-and-agreements

Colin Taylor Award

Announcement - 2015


Link to PDF of CT Award http://apsacentral.ca/system/files/3376%20award.pdf

JCRC Mediated Settlement



APSA Bylaws, Constitution, Basic Agreement
