APSA's Core Documents
APSA is governed by its Basic Agreement with Simon Fraser University, its constitution, bylaws and policies. These documents address all aspects of what APSA does. They outline our purpose, our internal operating rules, our relationship with Simon Fraser University and how we conduct ourselves. APSA falls under the BC Society Act, which governs how B.C. not-for-profits are created and run. Our Bylaws are occasionally required to be updated to meet changes in the BC Society Act. Members must vote to approve any changes.
The Basic Agreement
The purpose of the Basic Agreement is to establish, for the administrative and professional staff employed by Simon Fraser University, formal procedures for the determination of compensation matters and administrative/professional personnel policies.
APSA's Constitution
APSA's Constitution states the purpose of the Association and how it will achieve its purpose of promoting and advancing the interest of the administrative and professional employees of Simon Fraser University.
APSA's Bylaws
Bylaws are APSA's internal operating rules. They establish procedures for holding member meetings, procedures at the general meeting, duties of the Board of Directors, elections, quorum requirements, and financial requirements.
APSA's Policies
Policies are documents which define the operations of APSA and can be changed by the Board of Directors. This gives the board the flexibility and opportunity to have organizational practices that are important to APSA members that can be modified when the need arises. This is often referred to as “governing by policy” and includes:
2. Grievances and Disputes Policy
6. Election and Qualifications of Directors