APSA Annual General Meeting

November 28th, 2023

12:00 pm to 1:30 pm


This AGM was a hybrid meeting, with both in person at Halpern Centre and via zoom.

Quorum was achieved with 135 members attending via zoom and 28 attending in person and the meeting was called to order at 12:07pm. 

Link to APSA’s 2023 Annual Report


  1. Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda:

  • Moved by Sumo Kindersly and seconded by Stephanie Stewart.
    • Motion Carries.
  1. Approval of the 2022 AGM minutes 

Motion to approve the 2022 AGM minutes:

  • Moved by Tracey Andbiner and seconded by Sumo Kindersly.
    • Motion Carries.
  1. President’s Report 

Jill Sutherland gave an overview of her report, which can be found in the 2023 Annual Report.

Questions from the Floor:

  • What is the ramification of that vote [Removal from Employee Council]? What discussions will APSA be left out on?
    • Employee Council is a voluntary committee made up of all of the employee groups. Its only formal recognition from the University is to appoint a representative to the Presidential renewal committee. There are also informal conversations which can be helpful advancing the needs of the APSA membership. It’s hopeful this will only have a small impact on APSA, and the board is hopeful to repair those relationships.
  • It had to have been a majority vote to vote APSA off, but if the council is not important, why bring that up to us. Also it seems this is a huge loss to APSA, and a loss of influence at the table. I hear it being downplayed, but that’s a major loss to us. We’re the only group not unionized. Is it a detriment to us not being certified? 
    • There are pros and cons of APSA not being on employee council. It’s possible that the other unions have made a strategic error by removing APSA as APSA is the largest employee group on campus. APSA also feels that its removal was strategic to SFUFA’s campaign to organize APSA members. We are bringing it up today as transparency is important as it’s an issue APSA has been dealing with. 
  • A follow up question to the Employee Council issue, could we ask informally why we were removed?
    • It’s complicated, as there is currently also a legal dispute with SFUFA over a number of APSA employees and before the labour relations board. 
  • If APSA members voted to join SFUFA, would SFUFA be larger?
    • At present, our understanding is its a small number of APSA employees, likely under 30. This will not make a significant difference to either of our membership numbers. Currently APSA has around 1700 members. 
  • Do we still have a forum for discussion with the employer?
    • Yes, our relationship with the employer has strengthened in the last two years. We now have semesterly meetings with Senior Leadership, and monthly with the VP PEI. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report 
    1. Engagement Review (Accountant’s Full Financial Report)
      1. Statement of Financial Position
      2. Statement of Operations
      3. Statement of Changes in Net Assets
    2. 2023 - 2024 Budget

APSA’s Treasurer, Jasper Stoodley, presented the financial statements and the 2023/2024 budget which are linked above.

Questions from the Floor:

  • Legal has almost doubled in the actuals, but you haven’t explained why it’s doubled. Why are we spending so much money on Legal?
    • Last year we saw some unexpected expenses related to three mediations/arbitrations. One was related to our 2020 round of bargaining to clarify what APSA could and could not negotiate at the Salary & Benefits bargaining table.  That brought certainty to the 2022 bargaining table and helped us achieve the most recent deal. There were two other mediations involving individual member issues. We also had to go to the Labour Relations Board regarding essential services. The dispute with SFUFA at the LRB has also been costly but is vital to the Association. 
  • Can you talk more about the dispute with SFUFA as it seems to be clouded in secrecy. 
    • Unfortunately, while the dispute is live, legal counsel has advised that we cannot speak to that at this time. 
  1. Year in Review - Committee Reports 
  2. Salary & Benefits
  3. Pension Advisory
  4. Total Compensation Review
  5. Advocacy

Committee reports can be found at the links above. Committee chairs gave brief overviews of their reports.

Questions from the Floor:

Salary & Benefits 

  • Does the new psychological benefit cover services rendered by RCC (registered clinical counselors). Currently blue cross says RCC services are not covered.
    • They will be covered as of December 1st, 2023. 


  • How is the state of our pension? For years we have heard it’s in dire straights. 
    • The plan is currently quite healthy. It currently consists of CUPE, Poly Party, and APSA. Currently, it’s fully funded by the University. 
  • The university mentioned that some of the budget pressures are due to "unexpected financial pressures related to increased pension costs".  Could we get any background on that issue?
    • The pension is 100% funded by the University. Some of that cost may be due to people retiring taking the commuted value, and reducing the amount of money in the pension. 
  1. Introduction of the 2023 - 2024 Executive Board

Jill Sutherland, Ben Boyle, Phil Cunningham, Jasper Stoodley, and Stephanie Stewart will be continuing their terms on the board. 

Newly elected to the board for a 1-year term is:

Nicole Manson - Indigenous Academic and Student Liaison, Faculty of Communications, Art, and Technology

Newly elected to the board for a 3-year term are: 

Kimberly O’Donnell - Research Facilitator, Faculty of Communications, Art, and Technology

Mike Peragine - Director, Student Recruitment and Admissions

Melanie Brown - Director, Senior Leadership Team, Provost and Vice-President Academic

Finally, with great thanks, APSA thanks outgoing board members Tess Williams, David Agosti, Cindy Li, and Lutte Brink. 

  1. Other Business

Questions from the Floor:

  • What is the plan or strategy of APSA to support not only recruitment talent but retention and promotion of current members?
    • We meet regularly with the university administration, and are constantly promoting that. APSA is also advocating constantly for regular market surveys so that your pay is competitive with the market. 
  • A member made a statement of their appreciation of APSA and the APSA staff and encouraged the association to continue in a member driven way. 
  • If we are to pursue being unionized, what would that look like? Is it a lengthy and arduous process? Would it be more beneficial for us in the long term?
    • APSA has attempted unionization in the past, moving forward, the board would have to discuss that. There are pros and cons to both, and that’s something that would need to go to membership. 
  • When was the budget cut implemented? Does that include staff promotions?
    • It was implemented about 2 weeks ago. This has created a hiring freeze on all staff positions. Any JD’s that were already under the job evaluation process will continue as normal. SFU has reported that this hiring freeze will avoid layoffs. 
  • Is there a specific group of APSA employees being targeted by SFUFA?
    • The first group is before the LRB, so we cannot comment on that. Otherwise, not 100% sure what other groups SFUFA believes aligns with their certification. Once this has been settled, we will send communications to the membership. 
  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:36pm