We’ve got you covered on what happened at the meeting.
- APSA has thanked our members for their work contributions during the pandemic.
Chairperson and president, David Agosti, spoke about the continued challenges our members have been facing during the pandemic. He recognized and thanked members for their contributions to the workplace during these changeable times. He also addressed the relationship with the University and requested our membership’s help. Read his full report.
- Our finances are healthy, and there was an expected increase in legal expenses due to the increased complexity of advocacy cases.
Jasper Stoodley, APSA treasurer, spoke about the APSA expenses and budget. Legal fees continue to be high due to some complicated advocacy cases.
- The Salary and Benefits Committee bargaining team is proceeding to arbitration on December 7, 2021.
Kris Nordgren, chair of the Salary and Benefits Committee, spoke of the process of bargaining and moving to arbitration. The hearing will be taking place on December 7, 2021. He also spoke about the success of getting the salary increases and the terms of the agreement during negotiations. Read his full report.
- The Advocacy Committee still has concerns about bullying and harassment complaints from members.
Andrew Boden spoke on behalf of the Advocacy Committee. He discussed how APSA’s advocacy support has increased for the members over the past year. Our key concerns this past year have been the increase of bullying and harassment complaints and issues around overtime claims and workplace accommodations. With respect to bullying and harassment complaints, we continue to be concerned about the University’s procedures and protocols, which are not sufficient to safeguard those members who do make a formal complaint from retaliation, whether overt or subtle. Read the full report here.
- We welcomed your new board of directors.
They’ll work on your behalf to find solutions to your concerns and represent your interests. You can find them on the Board of Directors page.
- We thanked our former board members, current board members and staff.
Claire Wilson, an appointee, and Mitchell Stoddard both stepped down after their terms ended this year. We thank them for their tireless service to APSA as board members. Mitchell was also active in the University Affairs Committee.
For more detailed information, here are the minutes for the 2021 AGM.