Here are some quick updates on current issues:
Colin Taylor Award
APSA and the University are returning to arbitration. Due to personal circumstances, Colin Taylor will not be the arbitrator. Both the University and APSA have agreed to Robert Pekeles as the arbitrator instead. The earliest date to begin arbitration is January 2021.
Other Arbitrations
APSA and the University are going to arbitration on a case regarding hours of work.
APSA and the University have not begun bargaining. We are hoping in light of the pandemic to come to a mutual agreement with the University in a timely manner.
There has been no further information on pension. APSA is still in favour of the amended changes outlined in 2018 by the EJPC and will continue to advocate towards getting a plan that best serves our entire membership.
Please see David's latest message, our update and APSA COVID-19 FAQs for more information.