APSA would like to thank members who participated in our member survey. This survey serves as a benchmark for APSA to measure our performance and allows us to better understand members' concerns. APSA has discussed the results with our Board of Directors and will also be sharing this with other committees.
The Graduate Liberal Studies program is included in the tuition-waiver benefit for SFU employees and their dependants.   
Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 polices (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.) Here is Advocacy Committee Chair, Wanda Dekleva, to answer some of your questions about discipline and termination of employment.         I’ve heard that APSA members can be fired for any reason, is this true?
Hello APSA Members, This is just a reminder that APSA can attend Return to Work meetings with you if you wish. Please contact the APSA office if you would like someone to attend a meeting with you or have questions about when an APSA representative can accompany you.
When Justine Sacco tweeted before a long-haul flight to South Africa in 2003, she didn't think anything of it. Her twitter following was approximately 170 people, most who knew her personally. Her misguided tweet blew up over Twitter, cost her her job and marked her as a racist. This story is a profound cautionary tale about using Social Media. In this new landscape where people post personal thoughts publicly, where everyone records every minutia of life makes you wonder if there is any privacy left at all.  
Feeling safe to come out as transgender can be daunting. There remain risks like the possibility of harassment, permanent changes to relationships, and fear of losing one's job. Being able to express your gender identity is a human right in Canada. It is up to us to make sure that transgender people feel safe in the workplace. Here are some tips for understanding the difficulties of being transgender and encouraging empathy in your workplace:
The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) provides information support and counselling to SFU community and campus visitors. They help students, staff and faculty with a documented or suspected disability visible or otherwise in a variety of ways.
APSA is pleased to announce the new officers for the APSA Board of Directors. Wanda Dekleva has stepped down as APSA President and David Agosti was voted in the new President of APSA and Jeff Bryer was voted in as the new Vice President on January 23, 2019. Please take a moment to congratulate both appointees. We know that they are dedicated and will be working hard for the interests of APSA members.  
Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment, SFU’s Administrative Policies 10) While today’s topics mostly fall outside of the AD 10s, they are no less your rights under the BC Human Rights Code. Human Rights law applies to employment contracts, or collective agreements, even if it’s not mentioned within the agreement itself.
When John Wilson retired as the President from the Capilano Faculty Association, they wrote a song about him. They sang about all of the things that John has done for them including an improved pension plan and a unique flexible benefits plan. They further honoured him by renaming one of their awards for retired faculty the John Wilson Award.