We've got you covered on what happened at the meeting.

  1. APSA has continued to focus on communication, especially during COVID-19.
    Chairperson and president, David Agosti, spoke about our continued focus on communicating out to the members. He spoke about the challenges our members have been facing during the pandemic. He addressed compliance with the Employment Standards Act and the Association's commitment to advocating and negotiating for the membership. Read his full report.
  2. Our finances are healthy, and there was an increase in legal expenses.
    Jasper Stoodley, APSA treasurer, spoke about the uncertainties of COVID-19, which led to a conservative approach to next year's budget. There was an increase in legal expenses over the past year, but this was anticipated in last year's AGM financial report.
  3. The Salary and Benefits Committee is finalizing its bargaining proposals.
    Jo-Anne Ray, chair of the Salary and Benefits Committee, spoke of the committee's work in 2020, our dashed hopes for a quick settlement in the COVID-19 environment, and our subsequent request to the University to move to formal bargaining. She also spoke about the proposal categories that the committee will continue to work on to bring to the bargaining table in the new year. Read her full report.
  4. We have had an increase in bullying and harassment complaints from members.
    Wanda Dekleva, chair of the Advocacy Committee, discussed how APSA's advocacy support has increased for the members over the past year. A key concern has been the increase in bullying and harassment complaints from our members. There are also concerns about how to resolve difficult, enduring issues in units where members remain reluctant to bring forward a formal complaint. Read her full report here.
  5. We welcomed your new board of directors. 
    They’ll work on your behalf with the University Administration to find solutions to your concerns and represent your interests. You can find them on the Board of Directors page.
  6. We thanked our former board members, current board members and staff.
    Ian Bercovitz and Ryan Fortin, long-time board members, both stepped down after their term this year. We thank them for their many years of tireless service to APSA as board members. They have also been active on the Pension Advisory Committee and the Salary and Benefits Committee. We also thanked Stephanie Stewart for her service to the board before stepping down.

For more detailed information, here are the minutes for the 2020 AGM.