We’ve got you covered on what happened at the meeting.

  1. APSA's focus this year was on negotiations
    Chairperson and President Wanda Dekleva's report included that APSA has been involved in both Salary & Benefit negotiations and Pension Plan changes negotiations, both of which will be been concluded by the end of this year.  After a lengthy negotiation, APSA was also able to convince the University to send out its first market survey. The results of this survey will hopefully be available to members in 2019.
  2. There were lots of changes in the APSA Office this year.
    As Wanda Dekleva indicated, there were many changes this year. In January, Angela Vass was warmly welcomed back as Administrative Assistant, Kelsey Newsham resigned and Anne Mason announced her retirement. So the APSA office has gained two new faces with Lakshmi Gosyne taking up the mantle of Communications Coordinator and Andrew Boden taking the APSA helm as the new Executive Director.
  3. We've negotiated improvements on benefits and some members will get a lump sum payout.
    Vice-President David Agosti reported that there are improvements to your health and welfare benefits as well as a payout for APSA members who qualify. Learn more about the improvements and payout here.


  4. The Pension Memorandum of Agreement is out and voting has been completed.
    Richard Blackwell, Chairperson for the Pension Advisory Committee, gave a report that the Employee Joint Pension Committee (EJPC), made up of APSA, CUPE and Poly Party, have received the Memorandum of Agreement with the University Administration. After a long negotiation, the changes to the Pension plan will be accepted or rejected by you, our members. Voting ran from November 30 to December 5, and we will be sending you results once all groups have that information available.
  5. We’ve got money in the bank.
    As Executive Director Anne Mason reported, any extra money was put into the Legal Reserve expenses, as many advocacy cases were solved outside of mediation or arbitration this year.
    The budget for committees was increased, as we are heading into salary negotiations and bargaining in 2019. The committee budget includes two external consultants who have been working with these committees.
  6. Get to know these people. They work for you.
    These fine folks are your new Board of Directors. Get to know them. They’ll work with the University Administration to find solutions to your concerns and oversee all committee work.

For more detailed information, here are the minutes for the 2018 AGM.