I hope you had a restful holiday break. It feels good to leave 2020 behind. I’m optimistic for a better 2021, both in terms of turning the corner on the pandemic and moving forward with bargaining. Your Salary and Benefits Committee worked hard over the past months to try and negotiate an agreement with the University. We were disappointed that we were unable to do so, but the new year will bring movement on the resolution of the Colin Taylor award and arbitration of our grievance on the University’s refusal to commence formal bargaining with APSA.
The new year also brings changes to the leadership of the Salary and Benefits Committee. After careful consideration, I have decided to step away from both my role as chair and also as a committee member. Balancing my work with the responsibilities involved in leading the bargaining team has been challenging, and it’s time for me to press the pause button on my commitments.
I’m confident that your Salary and Benefits Committee will build upon and continue the thoughtful bargaining preparation work accomplished to date under the capable leadership of Kris Nordgren, the new chair of the committee. Kris has been an active member of the Salary and Benefits Committee and brings key leadership skills and insight to the bargaining process. I’m delighted that he has agreed to assume the role of chair, and I’m confident that he and your colleagues on the bargaining team will negotiate an agreement with the University.
I can’t say it’s always been easy, but I have enjoyed volunteering for APSA over the years, and I have personally valued the time I have spent both as a Salary and Benefits Committee member and as its chair. Of particular note has been working with and meeting APSA colleagues from different departments and campuses. I am immensely grateful to have represented you as chair of the Salary and Benefits Committee.
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021.