According to Benefits Canada, 54% of Canadian employers are adopting a hybrid workplace, and 57% of Canadian employees are looking for work that has a flexible workweek. Here are some examples of companies that have successfully adopted a hybrid or 4-day workweek.

With the return to the workplace, Deloitte Canada gives employees the flexibility to choose where, when and how they work. Chief Experience Officer for Deloitte, Linda Blair, says, “.. we’ve come to the conclusion that the best people to determine where, when and how to work are the people actually doing that work. We have confidence in our employees to collaborate with their clients to determine how they can work best together, whether that be virtually or in person.”

Best Buy is taking a remote-first approach to its workplace. Best Buy has around 12,000 employees nationwide, of which 1,200 of them work in the corporate office. A company survey showed that 95% of their office employees said that they could do their work more effectively remotely. The company, which has a new corporate office in Vancouver, will be using the space for “intentional connection, collaboration, to inspire cross-functional innovation and serve as a space for those who want or need the option to work in an office.”  

Finally, a Winnipeg-based company has moved to a 4-day workweek. Brandish, a strategic brand consultancy implemented a 4-day workweek where employees work eight hours from Monday to Thursday, and Friday is a day off. 

“What we’ve noticed is over the past six months, people are happier, they’re less stressed, they’re less anxious. And that extra day is very meaningful for them. We’re talking about 52 days or just over six weeks a year of time that people get back to use however they want to use that. It has absolutely made a difference,” says co-founder and manager partner Lee Waltham.

SFU has built a framework for supporting hybrid work across all campuses with plans and checklists in place to build a an intentional workplace. Like many Canadians, many of you have also expressed your strong preference for a hybrid workweek, and we'll continue to support and communicate this on your behalf.

