Hi, I'm David. I'm the Director of Parking and Sustainable Mobility Services. I've been at SFU for, oh about 12 years now. I have a background in commerce and human resource management, but you can look up my LinkedIn profile to find out more about that.
I've volunteered for APSA for the past three years, holding the position of vice-president and current president. I've also been the chair of the TCRC (Total Compensation Review Committee), but more on that in a minute.
Other volunteering includes being treasurer at my son's school council from 2014 to 2018. Gilmore Elementary is a community school so unlike a regular school, it has a "community council" rather than a "parent advisory committee". I am also involved in the BC Wildlife Federation as a director for Region 2, so anytime you want to talk hiking, hunting, fishing, or camping – hit me up.
Because the Parking and Sustainable Mobility office is fairly small, not many people know me (or hopefully don’t know me, considering I hand out parking tickets), and while I'd like to tell you more about myself, I know that many APSA members are concerned about the new Job Evaluation System.
SFU has implemented a new job evaluation process using the Hay Job Evaluation Method. Many APSA members have conveyed their frustration regarding the communication, process, and results.
I want you to know that Job Evaluation is completely separate from the Market Survey that the TCRC has been advocating for. If you are curious, generally speaking, Job Evaluation looks at internal comparisons while a Market Survey looks at external comparisons.
APSA was not involved in the development of this new Job Evaluation system. While we thought we should have input into the process (through the TCRC), the University disagreed. We learned the details of the process shortly before communications from HR were sent to supervisors and staff. More information on the Hay Job Evaluation system can be found on the HR website.
What HR has told us is that they are proceeding with “Phase 3” of the Job Evaluation roll out. This involves IT positions that they weren’t able to initially review, then reviewing job descriptions that have been brought to their attention as being out of date, new positions, etc.
I recommend that you review your current job description and if it is out-of-date or inaccurate, follow the instructions on the HR website for a re-evaluation.
If you have any concerns or questions or require assistance, do not hesitate to contact the APSA office.