Arbitrations and Grievances

APSA advocates have a number of ongoing grievances and investigations on bullying and harassment, return to work and hours of work. We can’t give any details due to confidentiality issues. Please see this infographic on the Life of a Grievance to learn more about how the grievance process works.

Hours of Work

The University has sent out communication on Hours of Work. SFU has not negotiated any new policy language for AD 10.13, and APSA does not agree with the current interim process. We will be pursuing updated policy language and clarifying what the Employment Standards Act says about managers vs. non-managers and other processes that do not align with the Employment Standards Act. Here is the latest communication from APSA regarding Hours of Work.


Please give a warm welcome to your new pension trustee Allyson Biro. Allyson is a CPA and has previously prepared annual statements for pension plans. We thank Allyson for volunteering for this position, we know Allyson will do an excellent job. Read more about Allyson Biro in her bio.


Payroll has received the new salary scales in late January and you should have seen an increase in your salary in your last pay period. Many of you have asked APSA when will you be receiving your retro pay. Please contact Payroll to find out where they are in the process. 

For more information on how bargaining works, see this infographic on Collective Bargaining. Learn more about the 2019 Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate and the scope of that funding for our members.


On Monday January 24 some employee groups received information on a letter of expectation and SFU staff declaring their vaccination status. If you have received such a notice, please contact APSA as soon as possible.