What is Advocacy Corner?
APSA created Advocacy Corner to answer general questions on the AD-10 policies which govern your terms and conditions of employment at SFU. APSA advocates and members of the APSA staff will often answer these questions on the committee's behalf.
Questions are submitted anonymously, which means we cannot answer any question with specific and personal details. If you do have a question that needs more custom feedback or is very unique to your situation, it's best to have a confidential discussion with an APSA staff or advocate.
How do I submit a question for consideration?
We have an anonymous Survey Monkey question box set up. Members can submit their questions here.
I've submitted my question. Why wasn't it answered?
Sometimes, as in the case of negotiations, we can't answer a particular question as there may be issues of confidentiality we must respect. Other times, we must do further research to answer a particular question and a response may be delayed. Sometimes your question may be highly personal and we'd prefer to reach out to you and get further details, where possible. Again, if you would like us to contact you, please include a means to do so—questions submitted without contact information remain anonymously submitted and we respect your wish to maintain your privacy.
We also post summaries of popular questions on our Advocacy Corner page which we've organized by topic. If you click on the question, then the answer will drop down on the page.