Hello APSA members,
Thank you to all of you who attended the AGM last month. We passed new bylaws, introduced the members of the board for 2020 and discussed negotiations. You can find out what happened in more detail in the 2019 AGM minutes.
It's that time of year where many of us will slow down and enjoy the holidays with family and friends, reflect on life and look ahead to the new year.
APSA members are integral to Simon Fraser University, and I acknowledge you for the work that you do. Thank you all for your engagement with APSA and for allowing us to support you. As I said at the AGM, APSA has had a year of new beginnings and transitions. We are hoping to continue that journey with you in 2020.
I wish you and your family joy, warm memories, a wonderful holiday season, Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and a happy new year.