Roy Johnson, known as "the Bully Whisperer", is back! This time, to unearth the creative problem solving process.

the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have
discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of
processes to identify and implement effective solutions to problems.

interactive and dynamic workshop will give participants an overview of
the creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving
tools that they can use every day. Skills
such as brainstorming, information gathering, analyzing data, and
identifying resources will be covered throughout the workshop.


Tuesday, Jan. 24
12 - 1:30pm
BBY, Halpern Centre 126



About the Facilitator

Roy Johnson, M, Dip.Ed., CCR

Roy is co-author of the top-selling "Turning Conflict into Profit" and a founder and Principal of The Neutral Zone Coaching and Consulting Services Inc.  Having appeared on television and radio, Roy is a mediator, trainer and psychotherapist who works with communities, families and public- and private-sector organizations. He is a national conference speaker on topics including communication, organizational change, leadership, teamwork and conflict resolution.  For over 15 years, Roy has resolved dozens of disputes annually, ranging from interpersonal complaints to complex multi-issue conflicts. 




Cancellations: All events are costly to set up, even those which are offered free of
charge. If you're unable to attend a workshop you registered
for, please cancel in a timely manner by clicking on the link
in your confirmation email.