Welcome to 2019! I hope you all enjoyed your time off over the holidays with family and friends and feel refreshed for our new year. I'm very excited to be leading my APSA team of Angela Vass and Lakshmi Gosyne and working with the APSA board to tackle our priorities for the coming months. At the forefront of these is assembling a bargaining team to negotiate salary and benefits for you later this spring. Several of you have already applied to join our bargaining team, but if you haven't and you're interested, you'll see a reminder about how to apply elsewhere in our newsletter. APSA volunteers always bring key skills and experience in so many areas of University life and that's what we look to draw upon for this year's bargaining.
Of course, our second priority is to investigate ways to get you the pension plan improvements that so many of you voted for. I look forward to providing you with additional information as soon as we are able.
Meanwhile, I hope to see you at APSA's Winter Social! Happy New Year!