I remember once, when I was very young, I went on a backpacking trip with my father. As great as it was to be with my dad, the trip was cold, rain-filled and miserable. On our last night, I lay tossing and turning in my sleeping bag willing the sun to rise, so that we could break camp and flee for home.
2020 has felt like that camping trip for me: waiting for a new day to bring a vaccine, the close comfort of friends and family and some semblance of a normal life. None of us can predict when that will happen. Your APSA team, however, remains committed to supporting all of you, during the pandemic and beyond. We have a great lineup of professional development events for the spring and, of course, we're here to help you with any aspect of your work life at SFU.
While I can't predict when the pandemic will ease up for us, I can say that the University will be coming to the bargaining table in 2021, so that we can not only secure for you the general wage increase you so rightfully deserve, but improve other aspects of your working lives, too. And we will, of course, continue work with Joy Johnson to help refurbish our EDI environment and strengthen other supports for all of our members.
In darkness or light — APSA is here for you.