Hello APSA Members,
I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your patience and calm in the face of current circumstances on our campuses, such as picket lines, salary negotiations and other changes in the SFU community. We understand that change can be difficult and unsettling but can also be positive and exciting! We appreciate your support and understanding as we work towards creating an effective and positive working environment for you.
As our negotiations continue, I am hopeful that we can come to a settled agreement in the next few weeks. We remain committed to working together with the University to find a solution that works for everyone.
Looking towards the busy Fall semester, I hope you are able to take some vacation time to disconnect, unwind and come back refreshed! I look forward to seeing you at the AGM in November and encourage each of you to attend the AGM and consider whether you would like to get involved with APSA by joining a committee or running for the board of directors.
Thank you again for your composure and understanding during this time. We value you, our members and look forward to continuing to work together towards a strong and successful future.