APSA LinkedIn Workshop

Recognized for her expertise in social media, SFU's own Lisa Dalla Vecchia presents this interactive workshop on the ins and outs of LinkedIn.

If you are not on LinkedIn, please create your personal account before attending.

During this workshop, you’ll have an opportunity to:

  • Review
    your profile, identify ways to enhance it, and start making some of the
    changes that make will make your profile really work for you.
  • Use LinkedIn to explore and connect with others in meaningful ways so that you’re building a powerful network
  • Learn how to position yourself as an expert and as someone who stays current in their field
  • Use LinkedIn to share what’s happening with SFU and engage a wider community


Presenter Lisa Dalla Vecchia

has worked at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University
for seven years. She spent her first five years with the Career
Management Centre, working with students, alumni, and employers, and in a
variety of roles. When she moved into External Relations, she started
as Manager, Alumni & Career Communications, and focused on public
relations and social media marketing, using an integrated marketing
communications approach to build engagement for key stakeholders at the
School. Recognized
for her expertise in social media, she regularly helps both academic
and professional audiences understand how to use various social
platforms to reach their business and career goals. When she isn’t
writing or tweeting, she’s leading LinkedIn workshops for students,
peers, and professional audiences.

has her Mini MBA in Social Media Marketing from Rutgers University, New
Jersey, USA, is HootSuite Certified, has earned the Global Career
Development Facilitator designation, and is continuing her professional
development through SFU's Business Communication & Professional
Writing Program.