The Joint Compensation Review Committee (JCRC) is a joint University/APSA committee, created under the 2014 - 2019 Compensation Award. The Award was created during arbitration on February 16, 2015, which was needed to settle the last round of salary and benefits negotiations.

The job of the JCRC is to: “consider and make recommendation[s] towards the development and implementation of a total compensation package”.

After clarifying the direction of the Committee and the interpretation of the Award, the parties had productive discussions on the next steps for preparing to collect market data. 

The University reported that they had received data from market surveys initiated by other organizations. This data is being analyzed to see if it can apply to any jobs at SFU.

The University is working on updating information and processes regarding classification of APSA positions. This includes the assignment of all APSA positions to new job codes, followed by “occupational groupings”. This work needs to be done before we can proceed with our own market survey.

The JCRC agreed to meet in approximately one month. We will discuss how to use the funds outlined in the arbitration award, assess market data the University has received from other organizations, hear updates on data analysis and Job Code assignment progress and discuss proceeding with a market survey later this year.

University representatives at the meeting were Trish Rosengren, Director, Compensation, Elsa Plican, Director, Advisory Services & HR Systems and Chris Hatty, Director, Labour and Employee Relations.

APSA representatives were David Agosti, Vice President, Keith Horne, David Harvey, consultant, Anne Mason, Executive Director and Kelsey Newsham, Communication Coordinator.


On behalf of the JCRC,

Trish Rosengren, Director, Compensation and David Agosti, Vice President, APSA