SFU has a Central University Health & Safety Committee (CUHSC) and eleven Local Joint Health & Safety Committees (LJHSC). CUHSC oversees university-wide health and safety and compliance. The LJHSCs are organized based on departments and groupings of buildings, and they oversee departmental and building-specific health and safety. Safety committees are mandated by WorkSafeBC and consist of what is referred to as "worker representatives" and "management representatives." The former representatives are a mix of employee group members (CUPE, TSSU, PolyParty, non-managerial APSA members, etc.), while the latter managerial group represent the University and are a mix of APSA managers and APEX members. In short, APSA members have served on both "sides," so to speak.
Committees meet monthly, and members participate in incident investigations and worksite inspections. Training is provided to new members. Additional information about the safety committees is available at: www.sfu.ca/safetycommittees. If you’re interested in joining a safety committee, please contact mkulbaba@sfu.ca.