On April 14, the Board reviewed their proposed changes to the
Bylaws and Constitution at an information session in Burnaby, broadcast
to Surrey and Vancouver.

The event was recorded and can be viewed here: http://www.sfu.ca/video-library/video/1300/view.html

The Constitution and Bylaws were last
updated in 2010. Since then, there have been minor and more recently,
significant, anticipated changes to the BC Society Act, under which APSA
is incorporated.
Many of the proposed changes are to ensure the
Constitution and Bylaws adhere to new legislation, reflect current
practice (ie teleconferencing) and to clarify how the Association runs. Out of these, please pay special attention to the following four items,

  1. Process for dues increases (p. 5, section 2.4.3)
    1. Inclusion of a mechanism for the Board to approve minimal increases
      (based on the annual CPI) to dues in years of 0-0 mandates for salary

  2. Removal of “areas” (p. 2, section 1.d)
    1.  “Areas” to be defined by campus locations; Burnaby, Surrey, Vancouver.

  3. Election of the Board of Directors (p. 11)
    1. To comply with the BC Society Act, replacing ‘Area Directors’ with
      ‘Directors’ so all members have a vote on all Directors elected to the
    2. Election of the Executive of the Board by Board members allows for more thoughtful governance and succession planning.

  4. Duties of Advocacy members (p. 17)
    1. Based on recommendation from legal council, the language describing the
      duties of advocates was changed to appropriately reflect the role of
      advocates in determining the resolution of grievances.

Voting on the proposed changes will take place at the Annual General Meeting in the fall.