December Update
Last week, we held our 2024 AGM, and I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone who was able to attend. We sincerely apologise for the technical difficulties that made some sections difficult for those joining us online to hear and see. The key sections from the AGM, including updates from the president, treasurer, and committees, can be found in our annual report here.
On Monday, you should have received an email regarding a motion raised at the meeting, proposing that APSA investigate the possibility of pursuing unionization certification. Please rest assured that the board is actively looking into this motion, and we will keep members informed of any developments as they arise.
Following the adjournment of the AGM, volunteer executive positions within APSA are vacated until the new incoming board elects members to take on these roles for the upcoming year. For 2024-25, I’m pleased to continue as president, with Kim O’Donnell returning as our vice-president. After five years of dedicated service, Jasper Stoodley, who has been our treasurer, has decided to step down. We are incredibly grateful for his financial stewardship, and while he will no longer be in the treasurer role, we are glad he will remain on the board for one more year. Please join me in thanking Jasper for his hard work and commitment to APSA. Our new treasurer is Patrick McClarty — please extend a warm welcome to Patrick as he takes on this important role!
As noted during the AGM, we will be working on a strategic plan beginning in the spring and holding a social event in January.
If you have any comments or suggestions you’d like to share with the board, please don’t hesitate to email me at
Hope you all have a fantastic festive period,