Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)

Here is APSA advocate Mike Peragine to answer some of your questions about workplace issues.

Questions? Submit them anonymously here. This question will be answered in a monthly advocacy corner issue. For an immediate answer, please contact APSA.

If I am not sick, but my young child is, and I am unable to work due to caregiving duties and/or doctor visits, which is the most appropriate type of leave to request under AD 10.08?
Unless you, too, are feeling unwell, currently dependent sick leave isn't an option for APSA members. If it’s an emergency, your supervisor may grant up to two days of personal leave with pay per year when an employee must respond to a domestic emergency or personal problem (section 6.02). You can choose to take accrued overtime or vacation time. Finally, you may consider taking a personal leave without pay if you anticipate your child will be sick for a long time. As we don’t know the details and this is case specific, feel free to contact APSA for a confidential conversation.

What do I do if my supervisor is treating me unfairly (it feels like bullying) when I can’t trust their supervisor to be impartial? They are both APEX. I don’t trust that it’s worth going through bullying and harassment. I’m also worried about retaliation by both APEX members.

This sounds like a very difficult situation for you and I'm glad that you reached out. We'd need more information to advise you further and would be pleased to meet with you to have a confidential conversation. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact APSA. Your call or email is confidential.