The votes have been tallied and the results are in!
Rehana Bacchus, Sharina Janif, and Mitchell Stoddard will be joining the APSA Board of Directors and will serve for the next three years.
All three are new to the APSA board.
Rehana is the Director of Education Programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Sharina is the Associate Director of Advancement for the Faculty of Science.
Mitchell is the Director for the Centre for Students with Disabilities.
The directors terms will begin at the close of the Annual General Meeting in November .
At the same time, we will be saying goodbye to Chris Claiter, Laura Vajanto, and Diane Mar-Nicolle. We thank them for their work on the APSA Board and wish them well.
At the first meeting after the AGM, the Board will vote to determine who among
themselves will serve as President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer for
the upcoming year.
Thank you to the candidates who ran, the members who nominated them, and everyone
who voted.