The votes have been tallied and the results are in!
David Agosti, Ian Bercovitz, Ryan Fortin, and Irene Mihalik will serve on
APSA’s Board of Directors for the next three years.
This is the first time on the Board for Mihalik, who has four years of Human
Resource experience at SFU, and is educated as a Chartered Professional in
Human Resources.
Agosti, Bercovitz and Fortin return to the Board once again, having served on it for
the past two years, most recently as Vice President and Directors,
The directors' terms will begin on November 30 at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM).
At the first meeting after the AGM, the Board will vote to determine who among
themselves will serve as President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer for
the upcoming year.
Thank you to the candidates who ran, the members who nominated them, and everyone
who voted.
2017 / 2018 Board of Directors
David Agosti |
Ian Bercovitz |
Ryan Fortin |
Irene Mihalik |
Wanda Dekleva |
Jeff Bryer |
Diane Mar-Nicolle |
Chris Claiter |
Laura Vajanto |
Jane Hawkins |