Each month, the Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 policies (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)
Hello, I’m Tracey Ferris, APSA’s Members Services Officer and an advocate on our Advocacy Committee. I’m answering your questions related to our AD 10 policies. Questions? Submit them anonymously here. These questions will be answered in a monthly issue of Advocacy Corner. For an immediate response, please contact us.
I'd like to take an unpaid leave of absence, but I was told this would not be approved because of the current situation at SFU. Is this the case? If so, what are some cases where these requests are or are not approved? What can I do to take the leave and keep my job at SFU?
According to AD 10.08 section 10, leaves of absence without pay may be granted to an APSA member at the discretion of the department head if the department's operational efficiency will not be adversely affected. So unless the operations of your department will be adversely affected, you should be able to take a leave of absence without pay. I would highly advise that you contact APSA for your specific case. We can support you with submitting a request for personal leaves to your department head or discussing your options.
If you are successful at securing your leave, keep in mind that your extended health benefits will be paid by SFU if the leave is four months or less. If it's more than four months, you will be responsible for the full cost of your extended health benefits.
If you have any specific questions or concerns about your terms and conditions of employment, please contact APSA. Your call or email is confidential.