You must submit these receipts from 2023 by June 30, 2024, to get reimbursed for prescription drugs and other extended health.

  1. Claims must arrive at Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) before midnight on Friday, June 30, 2024. A drop box is located in front of the PBC building at 4250 Canada Way, Burnaby.
  2. Submit your claims online or download the claims form by signing into the Pacific Blue Cross website.
  3. When filling out the claim form, your group and policy numbers will be needed.
    These numbers can be found on your Pacific Blue Cross ID card. 

NOTE: The SFU group ID number is 902505.

More information

Contact Pacific Blue Cross at 604 419-2000. Hours are between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.