Each month, the Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 polices (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)

Hello, I'm Rob McTavish, an advocate on APSA's Advocacy Committee. On behalf of the Committee, I'm answering your questions related to coming forward to APSA with workplace issues.


What happens if my position was downgraded during the Hay Job Evaluation?

The University has not given a specific answer or any written guidelines for job evaluation downgrades. I recommend contacting APSA for guidance about your specific situation.

The advocates at APSA have observed that the current practice is to anomalize your pay. (AD 10.6 section 7.03 on Position Re-evaluation and Reclassification) This means that your salary will stay the same and you will receive all normal salary changes. If you were ever to leave the position though, the salary that the new hire will receive is the lower-graded salary.

Still, this downgrade will affect your morale. Many of you have expressed that this is a personal affront to your work and your abilities. I encourage you to get a copy of your job description that was used by the Hay Evaluation Project to determine your position's salary. Speak to your supervisor and make changes to your job description to reflect on your current work and skills. Make sure that your job description is up-to-date and apply for a reclassification of your position.

Here are some resources that will be helpful:
