Vote for your new Board of Directors — 2022
Here are your new directors for 2022 as voted by you, our members.
Ben Boyle
Office Coordinator — Faculty of Communications, Art and Technology
Now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance that SFU recognises our collective desire for a work-life balance that is fit for purpose and enshrined in policy. In order to achieve this, we need to foster a strong sense of solidarity amongst our membership so that nobody feels siloed and that everybody is confident in APSA being the best vehicle to deliver positive change for the betterment of us all and our families.
For over seven years, I worked as a Defined Benefit Pension Administrator/Analyst and have served on the APSA Pension Advisory Committee since April 2021. Pensions are important at every stage of our career, and so whenever given the opportunity, I will continue to passionately advocate for the protection and enhancement of our retirement benefits.
My current role requires a deep understanding of collective agreements for staff and faculty from our affiliated organised labour groups present at SFU. This, along with previously being a Job Steward for a large office workers union in BC, has given me an insight into what can be achieved when every mechanism available is utilised in pushing for positive change from employers.
Together, we can safeguard any constructive concessions made by SFU during the pandemic and apply the necessary pressure on the administration to prioritise the work-life balance of APSA members and reject a return to any outdated status quos.
I would APSAlutely love your support! Thanks for reading (and apologies for the pun).
Phil Cunningham
Manager, Academic & Administrative Services — Department of Indigenous Studies
My association with SFU stretches back to 2001. During these 21+ years, I have been an undergraduate (BA ‘06) and graduate student (GDBA ‘18, MBA ‘21), CUPE employee (‘09-‘17), and continuing APSA member since 2017. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to play many roles at SFU, and look forward to leveraging my knowledge and experience for the benefit of all APSA members.
As Manager for the Department of Indigenous Studies, I am called upon in a variety of situations. I am the hiring manager and supervisor for CUPE and APSA staff, onboard TSSU and research staff, manage Department budgets and faculty research grants, schedule courses, manage special projects such as renovations, advise undergraduate students, update INDG Calendar and curriculum listings, resolve faculty/staff/student grievances, maintain our Business Continuity Plan, amongst many other duties.
I am interested in joining the board so that I can actively participate in advancing the interests of APSA members. Over the course of 13 years as an SFU employee, I have witnessed many institutional changes, some for the better, and others not so much. One area in clear need of improvement is employer-employee relations. Building a positive, supportive, and respectful workplace should be our collective goal at SFU. This is why, in addition to a Board of Directors role, I intend to join the Advocacy Committee to directly support my fellow APSA members.
Thank you for your consideration. It would be an honour to serve you as an APSA Board member.
Stephanie Stewart
Disaster Recovery Coordinator — Information Security Services
Stephanie has been employed at SFU since 2015. She began her career at SFU as a Business Analyst in IT Services, transitioned to the Communications Officer for the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in 2016, and has been in her current role of Disaster Recovery Coordinator since 2021. She has worked in a variety of sectors, but it is higher education, and SFU, that feels like home. This can be partly attributed to the connections she has made with fellow APSA members.
Her previous board experience includes being co-chair of the CUCCIO Communications special interest group (SIG) (2019-2020), APSA Board of Directors (2019), and she is currently SFU’s EDUCAUSE Ambassador and an EDUCAUSE IT Communications Community Group cabinet co-chair. She is also the chair of SFU’s United Way of British Columbia campaign for 2022-23 and held this role for the 2019-20 campaign.
During her time at SFU, Stephanie has earned the reputation as a community builder and is known for encouraging colleagues to become familiar with what benefits and supports are available to them through their employee group. As a member of the ASPA Board of Directors, Stephanie will bring this philosophy to the table to support her fellow APSA members.
Jasper Stoodley
Director, Information Systems — Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Since joining SFU 20+ years ago, I have been fortunate to have occupied multiple technical and managerial roles, in both academic (FASS, FHS, Geography) and administrative units (IT Services). These roles have provided me with varied experiences in different areas of the university, opportunities to work with others across campuses, and a sound knowledge of APSA policies and procedures. As a current APSA board member and treasurer, I am a proud of the often difficult and challenging work done by APSA staff and volunteers through the board and committees to support and advocate for our members. If re-elected, I will continue to support:
- balancing fiscal prudence with spending priorities that tangibly benefit the membership, ensuring the long-term health of ASPA
- promoting equity for all our members to ensure we are inclusive of diverse member needs & interests
- holding the university accountable for its Canadian and BC “Top Employers” designations, so that we feel that it is true in practice, not just in theory
- fostering a positive and collaborative relationship with the University, underpinned by integrity and mutual respect
The pandemic has forced incredible change on both us and the University, creating new opportunities and challenges. As we move forward, there may be tough times ahead. I commit to working with my fellow directors to make SFU a place where each of us is proud to work.