This conversation is more of a reminder/to-do list, so I'm going to get right into it:
CRA — Home Office Expense Deductions
A reminder of the tax deductions you can access if you are/were working from home during COVID. For more information, please see the dedicated Home Office Expenses sub-page of the SFU Finance department page.
Extra Hours / Time-in-lieu / Overtime and the Employment Standards Act (ESA)
As Andrew Boden (our Executive Director) stated in a separate email, please let us know if you have questions or are having challenges recording, using, or claiming any extra hours, time-in-lieu or overtime related to the ESA requirements. This is an important item for APSA managers and non-managers, and it is a key item our salary negotiations team will bring forward now that the University is required to bargain with us starting April 1st.
Job Evaluation (JE)
Further to my communication last week on the JE portion of the Pekeles mediation related to the Joint Compensation Review Committee (JCRC), we have had our first exploratory meeting with the University. Please let APSA know of any specific concerns in relation to how your position was re-evaluated (or not), any review process you may have had (or not), and if you are involved in writing job descriptions (JD) and would like APSA to advocate for you to receive training.
COVID and the "New Normal"
Like many of you, APSA is starting to hear "rumblings" of a return-to-normal (-ish) for the fall semester. Should you have any concerns, please be sure to raise them with your department and let APSA know so we can raise them at our meetings with senior administration.