Each month, our Advocacy Committee answers your questions about the AD 10 polices (aka, your terms and conditions of employment.)
Here is the Advocacy Committee Chair, Wanda Dekleva, to answer some of your questions about workplace issues.
Questions? Submit them anonymously here. This question will be answered in a monthly advocacy corner issue. For an immediate answer, please contact us.
My supervisor is refusing to let me work from home during this time (COVID-19 pandemic) and my only means of getting to work is public transit. What are my options?
Until the government mandates that non-essential services shut down, SFU can ask people to come to work.
The University is asking supervisors to be flexible and creative in trying to get people working from home, but that it may not be possible with some areas.
That said, send your supervisor an email detailing that you do not have a car or any other transportation that would allow for appropriate social distancing and that you must take transit to work. Emphasize that you are concerned about the well-being of your co-workers, if you pick up the illness while on public transportation and bring it to work.
Are you, or is anyone in your household immune-compromised or above 60 years of age? If yes, I'd include that as well.
If your supervisor still insists on you physically coming to work, and you feel unsafe travelling to the office, please contact us to discuss what other options you may have.
My supervisor is asking me to do duties that are not in my job description. And, my job description does not have a clause for "other duties as assigned". Do I need to do these tasks as assigned even if they aren't in my job description?
Your supervisor is responsible for managing the tasks appropriate to your position. Failing to do these tasks, even if they are not in your job description, could be considered insubordinate which is a form of gross misconduct. Gross misconduct can lead to immediate termination. The only exception is if the tasks you are directed to do could harm you or others. Refusal would be appropriate in those situations.
Perform the tasks you were directed to do and then meet and discuss your duties and job description with your supervisor to see if your job description needs rewriting or expanding?
If you and your supervisor don't come to an agreement, contact us to see if you have grounds for a complaint.
You can always contact APSA to discuss your situation. Talking to APSA is 100% confidential.
Need an APSA advocate? Contact us at 778-782-4319.