A market survey for APSA positions is being prepared. The survey will compare SFU APSA salaries to the salaries of similar positions at other comparable organizations.

What’s included in the survey?
The survey will focus on the salaries of APSA positions.

Are all APSA positions being surveyed?
No. A selection sample was chosen, with positions from different departments and across the job families. Choosing a sample selection is a very common approach with market surveys. It not only makes the survey possible (surveying 1200 positions would have an enormous, unreasonable cost), it also encourages organizations to reply. Since participation is voluntary, organizations can refuse to respond if the work required is too high.

What positions were chosen? Who are the comparator organizations?
This information is still under discussion by the Joint Compensation Review Committee (JCRC).

Who are the JCRC? Why do they decide?
The Joint Compensation Review Committee (JCRC) is made up of Human Resource representatives and APSA representatives from APSA’s Total Compensation Review Committee. In the last round of salary and benefits negotiations, the mediator tasked a joint committee to address compensation issues for APSA members. Details of the committee’s role and work were written into the Award.

Who conducts the survey?
Mercer will conduct the survey on behalf of both APSA and SFU. They were chosen for their extensive experience conducing compensation surveys.

How long will it take?
Once the survey goes out, it will take approximately two months for comparator organizations to complete. The data will be organized and submitted to the JCRC.


What about benefit improvements?
In the 2014 - 2019 Salary and Benefits Award, three pots of money were allocated for the work of the JCRC. The Committee agreed to use some of that money for benefit improvements. APSA representatives asked how much it would cost to improve a variety of benefits. We're waiting to hear back.

Award money
July 1, 2016    $220,000
July 1, 2017    $115,000
July 1, 2018    $150,000 (one-time money)