Arbitrations and Grievances

APSA is currently preparing for two arbitrations, the Colin Taylor Award arbitration and one involving human rights. We can't disclose any details of the member arbitration due to confidentiality issues.

For those who aren't aware of the Colin Taylor Award, why we are going to arbitration and why this is a crucial case for our membership, see the AGM report from the Total Compensation Review Committee. You can read the results of the 2014 arbitration and the contents of the award itself.

APSA is representing numerous members with grievances on bullying and harassment. We can't give any details due to confidentiality issues. To learn more about how the grievance process works, please see this infographic on the Life of a Grievance.


We are proceeding with formal bargaining as per our Basic Agreement. Please see Jo-Anne's update on bargaining and the bargaining FAQs. For more information on how bargaining works, see this infographic on Collective Bargaining.


There has been no further information on the pension amendments. APSA is still in favour of the amended changes outlined in 2018 by the EJPC and will continue to advocate towards getting a plan that best serves our entire membership. For how your pension plan works, please see this infographic on our pension structure.


Please see David's messageour update and APSA COVID-19 FAQs for more information.